The SolderSmoke Podcast Archive
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This is now the archive site for the SolderSmoke Podcasts. It will be updated periodically, but new podcast episodes will be announced via the blog: |
March 6, 2013 17 February 2012 December 30, 2012 SolderSmoke Podcast 147 --- September 23, 2012 -- July 29, 2012
-- Derecho Storm hits Northern Virginia
-- Cappuccio impersonates a Pitt Bull -- July 4 Fireworks
-- A 17 Meter QSO with W5JAY (QRP Hall of Famer)
-- Rules of Thumb for Decoupling Caps (.1 uF now suspect)
-- Heathkit: Mic jack? Or Mike jack? (Who is this Mike guy?)
-- On the air with the K2ZA DX-100
-- Saturnian Sidewalk Astronomy
-- NJQRP "Chat With The Designers" -- Mandatory Listening!
-- Back with the ARRL: Goodwill Transmitters and Herring Aid Receivers
-- Billy's computer build and Arduino adventures
-- Fixing up NE602 20 meter DC rig
-- Join G-QRP! Support our SPRAT!
--SolderSmoke 144 June 13, 2012 --A CQ from the Rolling Thunder! --The Transit of Venus. --JA DX on 17 --Kick Panel Finale: --Workin' on the Workbench (and test gear) --Billy's Computer Project: Success! --SPECIAL REPORT FROM FDIM --MAILBAG: Urban legends, Hot Iron, Dry Joints --Bluegrass Music --MAILBAG -- SolderSmoke 143 May 2012 Cappuccio the Flying Retriever Kite Flying (no injuries this time!) April 1 getting more and more difficult Turtle Wax and Telescope Maintenance Titan's Orbital period NJQRP's Amazing "Chat with the Designers" QRP-Tech and A-QRP Billy's workbench and computer build Sony Vaios goes toes up (really) Digi modes make me grumpy Kick Panel rig gets a receiver The Joy of Belden 1671A I want to bulild a BITX 75/20! Solar Flux when I was born (300+) SPRAT 150! Congrats! Jason NT7S and his new OpenBeacon QRSS kit BONANZA! MAILBAG -- SolderSmoke 142 March 19, 2012 SWR meter as a poor man's spectrum analyzer QRP Quarterly: Pete Juliano's SSB Rig, Idea Exchange, Mike's articles Great contacts on 17 SSB Squeezing the birdies out of 17 meter rig. Again. STOP MURPHY'S WHISKERS! A PLEA FOR BELDEN 1671A! My new 'scope Zen and the Art of Telescope Maintenance SETI Live: Search the waterfall for ET's sigs Ade Weiss's wonderful new book Chinese Knack? Soul in the Machine: Billy's earliest toroids Re-cycling my 20 meter CW rig (from cycle 22) Winterfest report Relay repairs and back EMF dangers MAILBAG -- SolderSmoke 141 February 5, 2012 Recording on repaired computer RG-174 shield wires: "Murphy's Whiskers" "The Radio Art" "Non e radioamatore se non gli fuma il saldatore!" Does soldering a soldering iron disturb the universe? HCJB: Home of the Quad, but DX Party line is over Butane, Loctite, Scotchbrite, Velcro, and Gorilla tape Getting the 17 meter SSB station going -- trials, tribulations, triumph! MAILBAG -- January 9, 2012 - Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Billy's Birthday (on the range!) ---- October 4, 2011 ---- 10 September 2011 ---------------- August 7, 2011 June 26, 2011 Michael AA1TJ's Sputnik 1 Project New "Ikea" microphone NOVA QRP Club WSPR T/Rouble resolved Finishing up Rome WSPR rig Easy-Peasy on Asus eee-PC Space Station Packet Beacon Boatanchor News: DX-100, HT-37, "CQR" anchors, 75 meter antenna Drake 2-B history interview by W8SX Lew McCoy and Ernest Hemingway Ade Weiss, QRPoetry and Ade's new book Regen theory MAILBAG (with a focus on New Zealand) - April 19, 2011 -- KindleSmoke -- Amazon's Whispernet (not to be confused with WSPRnet) -- April 1 and the Perils of Plausibility -- The difference (significant!) between Cream of Tartar and Tartar Sauce -- A short Italian lesson -- Polyakov QRSS -- Snort Rosin's Mighty Mite (NOTE: NO FILTER!) -- Fly Fishing in Space: 2 Meter Packet Beacons and the International Space Station -- Upside-down Amplifier -- Rock and Roll and Ham Radio: The Bob Heil Story -- The Shuttle Discovery Lands in Northern Virginia -- MAILBAG April 1, 2011 --Fickle Finger of Fate: Lamp falls on QRSS Crystal --Another heroic computer repair --Sleuthing for RFI with Crystal Radios and Peter Frampton --The seductive allure of the British Regen --Watching the Space Station and the Space Shuttle --Packets from SPAAAACE --Don Vorgaard and the birth of SSB (and DSB!) --Electric Radio Magazine --SPRAT and the ZL2BMI DSB Rig --Jerri Elsworth's 555 contest (Did I win?) --73 Magazine --QSO with Mike Bryce WB8VGE --Knack Job Opportunities at Make and Hack-a-Day --Chemical Tailoring of Crystal Mic Audio Response --Pi Day! --Sling Shots, Fishing Poles, and Antenna Launchings --MAILBAG! -- 28 February 2011--Winterfest! --UK nostalgia: "King's Speech" saves British Regen --Dark Cloud, Silver Lining: ice storm gets us back on the air --40 meter phone (AM and SSB) --K2ZA interview: John Zaruba's DX-100 --OUR NEW SPONSOR: SIERRA RADIO SYSTEMS --SolderSmoke audio woes: interference! Lollipop ditched. --Buzz Aldrin's lunar seismograph --Watching the space station fly over Virginia --Twain, Tesla, Edison and Halley's Comet --Capuccio on Drugs --MAILBAG - February 5, 2011Some important trivia questions (answers will be given in the podcast): What is the connection between radio amateur (and pioneer radio astronomer) Grote Reber and world famous astronomer Edwin Hubble? In the world of radio-controlled helicopters, what is "TBE"? In Britain they have radio "rallies," but at one time they had hamfests." When did this happen? Only one terrain feature on Venus is named for a man. He is man of radio. Who is he? What music did Neil Armstrong listen to on his way to the moon? Plus: -- The Air and Space Museums -- Our music -- The SolderSmoke D-104 -- NASA asks for our help -- Telescope repairs -- A BFO for the Trans-O -- Back on Echolink MAILBAG! Please send reports on the D-104 audio! - SolderSmoke 129 January 8, 2010 Introducing Cappuccio "On the Cover of the Hot Iron" Old tech, new tech: Hammarlund HQ-100 Lafayette HA-600 (A) WSPR: VK6 on the grey line, also Wake Island, and Alaska How I fixed a broken GPU chip using a light bulb! EMRFD's cool mod of the SBL-1 Diode Ring device (from W6JFR) MAILBAG - SolderSmoke 128 3 December 2010 Visit to Wright Brother's Kitty Hawk site Antenna work on Veterans' Day W4HBK's Pensacola Snapper "Knackers of the World Unite" (even in the UK!) Sky and Telescope Jupiter moons program Listen to a meteor ping! DSB DC WSPR transceiver Other ham books on Lulu Ubuntu Karmic Koala's Skyrockets Movie Review: "Social Network" LTSpice under Wine (in Ubuntu) Forrest Mims Broken laptop -- need advice MAILBAG New puppy en route SolderSmoke 127.mp3
November 7, 2010
Karmic Koala makes you EVEN YOUNGER
The smell of an old HT-37
75 meter AM
DaVinci Code QRSS rig on the air
Cul-de-sac astronomy with TWO telescopes
READING: SPRATS, Hot Iron, Sky Buddies, Wired
Jeri Ellsworth's homebrew transistors
Tatjana Van Vark's homebrew Enigma-like machine
MAILBAGLinux Ubuntu and Audio Quality.
Reverse Culture shock, Woodpeckers,and the Washington METRO system
Antenna work and hamfests on the horizon
SolderSmoke 126.mp3 October 11, 2010 SolderSmoke returns! Shack #7: The New Shack Drake 2-B inhaling RF Listening to 75 AM and SSB: WA1HLR, KM1A Time signal on 3820 +/-? Repairing DaVinci Code QRSS rig UK test gear works fine on this side of pond! Computer woes: First Linux SolderSmoke Astronomy from inside the Beltway Winter SPRAT: Great info, philosophy, inspiration Charging up solar cells Inbound Boatanchors: DX-40, DX-60, HQ-100, HA-600(A), HT-37 MAILBAG - SolderSmoke 125.mp3 Special Four Days In May Edition! Opening music: FDIM Bluegrass Our last (sniff) Italy Travel Report Snakes and Fireflies in Lazio G3ROO's Antenna Book Davinci beacon crosses the pond WSPR rig repaired New transceiver built for 30 meter digi Manhattan-izing a SMT board Paul Harden's wonderful book BOB CRANE'S FDIM INTERVIEWS! "Muntzing" with Michael, G3RJV's "Socketry" Meeting Andrea IW0HK in Piazza San Cosimato! MAILBAG: Including mail from Farhan, Roger Hayward and Ade Weiss -- SolderSmoke 124.mp3 Oprah follow-up: On to Martha Stewart and Dr. Phil? Fencing on a Roman piazza Breaking an important cable My WSPR Direct Conversion receiver Roger Hayward's wonderful ugly AF amp circuit The beauty of SBL mixers My DaVinci Code Oscillator goes on the air! Making my own 555 timer chip (sort of) LEDs as varactors (or are they colorful switches?) Black Holes in workshops -- is the LHC to blame? Altoids: now made in TENNESSEE! G3RJV's wonderful video MAILBAG -- SolderSmoke 123.mp3 April 1, 2010 Spring! Equinox! Sap in Vermont! Aurora in Norway! Birds singing in Rome! Soldersmoke on Oprah. Program Schedule: Special Report from MASSCON QRP Convention by Mark, NX1K Propagation improving WSPR as a personal sunspot detector Building the W3PM WSPR rig Colpitts oscillators Polyakov's "Russian Mixer" BANDSWEEP: A low frequency sweep by Chris, KD4PBJ EMRFD on Direct Conversion and Direct Aversion Faraday's toroid diagram NA5N's ISBN MAILBAG - SolderSmoke 122.mp3 February 28, 2010 Snow in Rome! In London: A visit to Marconi's house, Maplins, and Faraday's lab A visit to the Dover Construction Club Computer problems resolved A short period of QRSS, then back to WSPR Putting the Drake 2-B into WSPR mode The Rome-Norway WSPR pipeline Increased solar activity 50 years of SETI with Frank Drake QQ Review Work Bench Eye Candy Movie Review: UP! (Five Soldering Irons) MAILBAG SolderSmoke 121.mp3 5 February 2010 Into the Apennine snow! Technical troubles Roadkill computers Luddite Curmudgeonism Mars and Andromeda from Sabina Telescopes and Olive Oil Math and Electronics Crashing R/C planes 5X5JD and the Uganda Tuna Tin AA1TJ's diode amplifiers Rotating parts boxes MOVIE REVIEW: Avatar (2.5 Soldering Irons) MAILBAG SolderSmoke120.mp3 January 2, 2010 Olive harvest in Sabina, Christmas and New Years in Rome. "What, no Klingon?" How's my whistling SSSS problem? DX on 20, HW8 QSO with KZ1H Auroral flutter on US stations W4OP: Homebrew Hero Softrock progress Linux woes FDIM 72 Part Challenge: "Stuck between best wishes and hugs and kisses!" Chinese Hamsat in orbit, with CW telemetry AA1TJ in CQ, and using diodes as audio amplifiers. Stradavari and Julia Child: inspirational late starters! Billy's RC plane QRSS: telemetry next? WSPR: 150K reports per day New issue of Hot Iron MAILBAG -- SolderSmoke119.mp3 December 6, 2009 4th Grade Morse lecture; SPRAT in the Pantheon; Cinghale shot SSS problem and the gap in my teeth STAGNOSALD! (Italian Flux) Movie Reviews Water on the Moon QQ: FB! Tyson the cat crashes both Ubuntu Linux AND WSPR 2.0 Building the Softrock 40: Comments on surface mount WSPR hits 100k spots per day; my numbers BIG MAILBAG - SolderSmoke118.mp3 15 November 2009 Trip to the North of Italy -- All the way to Trieste! SSSSS SSSSSSolution? Playing with PSK-31 -- Shortwave Watching I0/N2CQR wins CQ WW DX! (QRP, HB, DSB category) New England Code Talker Monitoring Apollo 11 Adventures in Surface Mount Soldering with Softrock 40 MAILBAG - SolderSmoke117.mp3 24 October 2009 Climbing Monte Calvo + Horesback riding + Piggy-backs = LOWER BACK PAIN Visit of Bob, W8SX, Soldersmoke correspondent in Dayton AA1TJ's point contact adventures -- Backwaves and Backwash AF Collins on Kindle -- "William" Marconi Hans Summers and Turkish Piracy RSGB Convention via Skype "Air and Space" Aurora Article My new, old Pentium III with Ubuntu (Thanks Jorge!) Roadkill computing CQ interviews Joe Taylor, K1JT New Spart and new Sprat CD AA1TJ's voice-powered transmitter (and some advice from Italy) QSOs from Ponticelli: Dk1HW/P (SOTA) and UN9GD. SOLDERSMOKE THE BOOK -- WEEKEND SALE! MAILBAG - SolderSmoke116.mp3 27 September 2009 Wild Boar Hunting Season Opens SPRAT and QQ on Kindle? Kite Antenna Day -- An idea whose time has come! Doublet antenna in Ponticelli Ponticelli QSOs on 40, 20, and 15 Steve Roberts -- Knack on a Bike AA1TJ goes Iron Pyrite and Point Contact Princess Elettra Marconi SolderSmoke Book: Price Reduced AND Oktoberfest Sale! Prices reduced on T-Shirts, coffee cups, bumper stickers MAILBAG -- SolderSmoke115.mp3 12 September 2009 Camping in Sabina Michelangelo's late start Anniversaries: Internet, SolderSmoke, Hack-A-Day From Kitty Hawk to the Moon Carrington flares and childhood aurora Calculating speed of light (using cheese) Mythbusters Hubble Space Telescope, Sliding Spring Observatory Europa Transistor Museum Understanding Mixer products FALL SALE AT SOLDERSMOKE CAFE PRESS STORE! MAILBAG - SolderSmoke114.mp3 Roman Forum, Sabina, Snakes! Wild Boar! Amateur Engineering? WSPRing again (cheap thrills?) Trastevere flea and a return to 1995 Electric airplanes Ether rediscovered? Galileo! Sir Douglas Hall Sonya had The Knack Altoidism? MAILBAG SolderSmoke113.mp3 August 9, 2009 The Ponticelli Astronomical Observatory and QRP Station Mystery Sound -- Can you ID? Even Farhan Fries Transistors Google marks Tesla's birthday Adventures with Google Ads Spotting the Space Station from Rome (and from London) Arthur C. Clarke's version of MAILBAG Mystery beeps in SS111? MAILBAG SolderSmoke112.mp3 July 26, 2009 Jean Shepherd comments on solder smoke Back to Sicily Apollo 11 Hans Summers' Heroic Homebrew Grenadian QRSS Adventure Regen progress (the ARE possessed) Knack-related maladies Amateur astronomer discovers scar on Jupiter A reading from SolderSmoke (the book) MAILBAG - SolderSmoke111.mp3 July 5, 2009 Ponza and the Pontine Islands The Xtal Set Society -- Great guys! Spark plugs as lightning arrestors The Grundig Mini 300 SW receiver Jupiter from Rome and from Mars Saturn from the window More tremors Back to visual MEPT Is my antenna down, or is it conditions? W7ZOI on bidirectional amps Farhan's simple "JBOT" 5W BJT amp AA1TJ's xtaflex Regens from hell WD-40 Sprat 139 Arthur C. Clarke's "Voices from the Sky" MAILBAG - SolderSmoke110.mp3 June 21, 2009 Day trips in Lazio and Tuscany My SSSSSolder SSSSSSMoke SSSS problem Crystal Radios pick up heavenly Gregorian chants... ... regen picks up screeches from somewhere else Speech processing for DSB? I0ZY's linear amplifiers Book Review: "The Ten Most Beautiful Experiments" by George Johnson MAILBAG (including an update from Dover) -- SolderSmoke109.mp3 June 7, 2009 Violin gig in Rotterdam June 2 Parade in Rome Why do we use Rl=Vcc^2/2Po for Class C amps? NA5N article, EMRFD, SSDRA, LTSpice Radio Signals from Jupiter and Io (on 17 meters) VK2ZAY's X-Rays Jeff Damm, WA7MLH: Homebrew Hero Tim Walford's Constructor's Club: Floor Polish as PCB Laquer Numbers Stations (very timely!) SolderSmoke -- The Book: Very rapid delivery, even to UK MAILBAG SolderSmoke108.mp3 May 24, 2009 Hubble Space Telescope Repair Mission WSPR: W3PM sees my sigs, back to visual (briefly), on to Slow Hell. Ubuntu ham radio software Time nuts Jean Shepherd gets his Class A license "SolderSmoke -- The Book" Good for summer vacation reading. SPECIAL REPORT FROM DAYTON FDIM BY BOB W8SX MAILBAG - SolderSmoke107.mp3 May 10, 2009 SolderSmoke -- The Book! ON SALE NOW! Get it here: SolderSmoke: A Global Adventure in Radio Electronics Orbits II reborn via a VK6 junkbox NA5N's Amazing Atlanticon 2002 article WSPR madness: 20 mw across the Atlantic. K1JT picks up my sigs WSPR generates interes on Hack-A-Day Linux: Ubuntu gets SolderSmoke Thumbs-up Somerset Supper Report Diode Ring Mixers Solar conditions AA1JT, Chloroform, and HB transistors ET's rig Have fun at FDIM! MAILBAG - SolderSmoke106.mp3 Sicily, Mt. Etna, The Godfather DSB success on WSPR Am I the lowest power WSPR station in the world? Diode Ring Mixers SolderSmoke: The Book SolderSmoke: The Cologne? And now, a word from our sponsor: Genesis Radio MAILBAG -- SolderSmoke105.mp3 Italy Earthquake WSPR DSB, WSPR MP3 SBL-1 Blues Clockwork minimalism QST articles (design, HBR RX) Marconi Spring SPRAT Blog stuff ECHO-QSO with Mike, WA6ARA MAILBAG Happy Easter! - SolderSmoke104.mp3 1 April 2009 Rome Marathon Billy climbs Vesuvius! Fixin' up old Toshiba laptop Solar Power from Donuts and Tea! Eldon's MEPT ET Phone home machine More Catalan minimalism: The MOSquito Book: Thunderstruck! Marconi history MAILBAG: Paul M0XPD new homebrewer, Funster 40, Paraset, and SDR Preston WJ2V on REAL solder vacuum pumps Ted AA5CK keys MEPT with iduino Ken KG6PO on obit of TV pioneer Thomas T. Goldsmith Art W2HQQ: "Man of High Fidelity" lacks knack Scott KD5NJR on Sputnik 4, NASA comms Alan W2AEW Don't smother MEPT oscillators! Books Steve GOFUW Old Book recommendation. Building WARC rig Jacki (XYL of KL7R) says hello from volcanic Alaska Jeff KO7M Why FSK on QRSS? Jim AL7RV Sends WSPR care package. (Thanks!) - SolderSmoke103.mp3 15 March 2009 Beware the Ides of March! Ostia Beach and Ostia Antica 248 Knights of QRSS. And Wizards! ET Phones Home (with QRSS?) Possible new grabbers in VK6 and Dubai Telescope, Satellites... REAL QRP QSOs on 80 and 40 Saving an old Toshiba Laptop ECHO-QSO WITH JEFF, KO7M: -- Piper Cubs and MFJ Cubs -- Satellite QSOs -- LT Spice and test gear MAILBAG: Gene W3PM listens from QE2, HB WSPR rig Jim AL7V sending parts for my W3PM rig Jim AB3CV's color burst Gnat Jason NT7S on Tektronix guys and SolderSmoke Kevin ZL3KE on old computers Paul M1CNK's DDS 30-based QRSS beacon Soeren OZ2DAK on exercise bikes to power beacons - SolderSmoke102.mp3 1 March 2009 In the shadow of Vesuvius... ...then back to the "laboratorio." ------------- QRSS musings: 1 transistor for transmit, 100 million for receive. We need a low tech beacon generator -- maybe mechanical clock driven? QRSS on "Hack-A-Day." VK2ZAY QRSS booms into Europe. Soul in the New Machine: Billy's oscillator. ON5EX's grabber on SolderSmoke blog. Italians at the forefront of QRSS. -------------- T-shirt news: "Menus are for restaurants!" "QRSS Ops Do it Very Slowly" -------------- Using iGoogle for ham radio. USENET is going strong! Back on Echolink. -------------- Minimalist Radio: The Gnat! The NS-40! I add a second transistor to my ET-1 (and hang my head in shame). -------------- MAILBAG: Jim, AL7RV, developing smoke generator for LTSpice. Randy, K7AGE, sent Empire of the Air video -- Thanks! Jim, K9JM, prescribes higher Q for regen rx. "Never will be a 2B!" Rye, K9LCJ, "Low Space Means Fine Teletype." Alan, W2AEW, Listens to SS while on the road with Tektronix. Dave, W8NF, "Armstrong, A Man of High Fidelity." Indeed. Mark reports W7ZOI releases new EMRFD software. Jonathan, KB1KIX, Shep fan, has good Smith Chart stuff on his blog. Jerry, NR5A, building a QRSS beacon. George, K8VU, Dilbert has "utter social ineptitude." David, VK6DI, moving East. Paul, K3PG, took Willamette project on ski trip. Steve, WA0PWK, Gil cartoon about Wes. - SolderSmoke101.mp3 Superbowl Sunday in Rome. "Playing for Pizza." Spirals on the Piazza Empire of the Air -- Gerbils Renamed "Electrons on Parade" Good RCA film about tubes Minimalist Mania: ET-1/FETer transmitter built -- some problems New Minimalist Yahoo group AA1TJ and AA1MY make QRP History with tunnel diode rig QRSS News: New beacons and grabbers in US and Canada K6HX and the lure of the whisperers Upside down FSK for VK/ZL observers? Chip extraction tips (belated) What "s.o.t." means. MAILBAG: Brad WA5PSA still jogging in Tulsa Ted AJ8T and Paul VK5PH: Lake not named for Lee Neil G7AQK HB mystery box Doug WB5TKI on how to extract chips Ron AA5RS advises Billy to stick with Linux Bill AA0RQ uses the hard stuff Sott on Heaviside: Good guy or not? Brent in Twin Cities: SWL Rockmite and SS lead to ham radio Dan NM5DV building SDR QRSS rig Jeff K07M listens while flying private plane John W6TC has great article for Electronic Design Edwin WA4YHL: Amateur Logic TV #23 is available Dale WA5DJJ on the possible benefits of upside down FSK Eddie G3JZO: Upside down FSK looks like laundry on the line! Jerry NR5A has the minimalist bug -- SolderSmoke100.mp3 SPECIAL CENTENARY EDITION A look back to the beginning Rome Travelogue: Palatine Hill Fixing my old freq counter: Trials and Tribulations Empire of the Air: More great history, but more tech faux pas "The radio art" An historical precedent for our GONG Lake DeForest? A. Frederick Collins Understanding Beta Independence Understanding Feedback and Distortion SPRAT 137: Minimalist Radio: The FETer/ET-1: "Haiku from Solder" Regens: Not for the faint of heart NEW: THE SolderSmoke STORE: T-shirts, Mugs, Hats, Bumper Stickers! MAILBAG: Shawn N3ZHP new to Knack, wants to build ALL his gear. FB! Steve WB6NTL on hippie origins of "Snort Rosin" Scott AC0GG recommends new mic, equalizer Jim AL7RV going QRSS mobile. Can we find him? George K8VU on kid busted by FCC Craig KC2LFI helps with SS s sounds David KB1BED says SolderSmoke driving up Drake 2-B prices Steve G0FUW "Ten new DSB rigs built in cloud of aromatic 60/40" Brian NF0G HBing at -20F Comet Lulin coming Tony G4LLW Freq standards, IC extraction, Arc phone transmitters Kevin AA7YQ listened to SS while on smoke jumper (parachute) mission Graeme ZL2GDN building for DSB and QRSS Stu N6TTO has new FSK QRSS beacon 10140060 -- Please listen for him! Mark K6HX (has great "Brainwagon" blog) lost SSDRA, not yet to "design-build" stage Robin AF1RE Heard BITx20s on the air, now is building Gerry EI8DRB has his 2B Ray M0DHP has a strange aromatic solder experience near Waterloo Station... - SolderSmoke99.mp3 January 18, 2009 Epiphany in Rome -- La Befana brings two Gerbils (Dot and Dash) Ice skating near (but not on!)the Tiber QRSS: Eldon's beacon spotted. 723 miles with 15 millwatts QRSS Calibration Problem: My proposed solution A Tale of Two BENELUX Grabbers: ON5EX and PA1SDB Watching VK2ZAY cross Tasman Sea. Watching G6AVK reach VK6DI Inspiration from old SPRATs: From PA3BHK and W7ZOI Book Review: "Empire of the Air" (Good bios, but author Knack-less) AA1TJ's CFL revolution reaches Cuba. Now a CFL receiver. AA1TJ's "Reggie" converts all sigs to QRP! Several new videos on the Blog (from WA7MLH, N0TU, KD1JV) MAILBAG: Ragav VU3VWR has Knack since 9th grade. Wants to QRSS in VU Nick M0NJP likes show, getting used to the voice, Amazon UK instructions Bryan VK3HXR has eeePC running Ubuntu Paolo IK1ZYW has external keypad chips for FT-817 (available at cost) Jim AL7RV's wife thought SolderSmoke gave him a fit. Agrees on 1)design 2)build Wes W7ZOI on feedback circuits Joe Rocci has an LtSpice model for the NE602 Gerri EI8DRB asks if he should buy a Drake 2-B (Uh... YES!) Steve "Snort Rosin" Smith : SMT paste lacks bouquet of 60/40 multi-core Chris KC2LFI prescribes 3500 Hz notch for silibant SS problem (advice followed) - SolderSmoke98.mp3 January 4, 2009 New Year's in Rome, Fireworks, Abruzzo snow trip. AA1TJ and the compact flourescent bulb rig; "Michael the red-nosed Rainey..." Billy's Asus eeePC : Amazin's piece of gear. The Lure of Logic: Fixing my old Global Specialties counter (chip needed). The Joy of Troubleshooting. N3ZI's FB counter. Balsa boxes. Todd, VE7BPO, also getting logical. Hans, G0UPL, back on 30 meter QRSS from London. Lawrence, KL1X grabbing VK QRSS sigs in N. China. My sigs steady in ON5EX grabber. Dan's deals. Book of the week: "Empire of the Air." Armstrong as a teenage ham. MAILBAG: Todd K5TAK on new name for Knack (no!) Rick KC0PET has new 'scope, analyzer, Elsie Bill N8ET Kanga USA getting going again. Alan WA9IRS on Pete Millet's free online tech books Wayne VA7AT on SDR Frank VK2AKG is NOT the solenoid musician Bill N3HQB was in Ade Weiss's summer camp ham class! Roger K7RXV on shaving resistors Dino KL0S on other free books on-line Gareth G1DRG on BBC Digital Planet Podcast Tim Walford's FB ham construction magazine A word about words from our sponsors - SolderSmoke97.mp3 December 21, 2008 Tiber flooding, Italian @ (snail!) -------------- DSB 80 "Kickpanel" project: Rig reform Harder than SSB? Do we need to match diodes? Terminating balanced modulators An antenna for my "spot" ("net") circuit, LED Thinking of speech processing Driver hotter than final --------------- MEPT QRSS: VK2ZAY crosses Oz on 470 micro-watts Using 9H1LO's grabber engine as time machine My beacon box: 10 and 30 in same enclosure Knights QSY to lower bands (temporarily) --------------- Theory: Thanks for beta independence help Why does feedback lower distortion? W3JDR's Ne602 modeling Grinding resistors for precision Broken counter leads to learning logic -------------- Miscellaneous: Wes updates site Kanga USA is back There is no SPRAT 13 AA1TJ's lightbulb rig --------------- MAILBAG: Lyndon smells the smoke Roger KA7EXM goes to Aikhabara Mark KI7N hits Singapore's radio row Bob KD4EBM's feedback on feedback Mike KC7IT fixes Christmas lights with 'scope Frank VK2AKG on YouTube solenoid concert Mike AA1TJ working on return loss bridges John K7JM says SS blog makes DXCC Jerry NR5A on Solder-SETI, b'day Ron WB3AAL 1K QSOs from AT Alan N8WQ: Tree battery! Jeremy N1JER and QRP-L QRSS group build MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL! SolderSmoke96.mp3 December 8, 2008 Moj Music Rome winter: Snowcapped mountains, Starlings Billy’s Blog – Please visit! “Make” redeems itself with LED video 80 DSB rig: LTSpice, Design, Diplexers, Decoupling Properly terminating balanced modulators The virtues of feedback 80 meter DSB QRP (in a contest) Reading Recommendation: January 2009 “Air and Space” Jupiter and Venus aligned Saturn picture with (sorta) homebrew rig Ben’s Balloon Beacon Laurence KL1X in N. China – will set up QRSS grabber MAILBAG Roger K7RXV and Bob KD4EBM on SolderSmells Jerry NR5A has WSPR-mania Scott KD5NJR on “Soul of a New Machine” Bob K7HBG “Real radios have knobs” Akshay VA7AAX 15 year-old listener, homebrewer SolderSmoke95.mp3 November 23, 2008 Amp design adventures with Spice, EMRFD WANTED: NE602 Spice model Pictures (from pirates?) in 80 meter waterfall Problems space with tools and solar panels QRSS news: W1BW 50 mw heard in VK6 and VK7 WSPR QRO controversy IK0IXI's video on HB 8 band SSB rig Ordering parts -- the aroma factor 1 uF caps OK for HF bypass? Reading Recommendation: December 2008 Discover Magazine MAILBAG: Thanks for help on CD for Mike's wife Paul WA1MAC: Chapstick PTO, alternate use for political lawn signs Aisea 3D2AA: Listening from Fiji. Just retired, has Softrock kit Bob NT7S: Has setup SolderSmoke Facebook Steve G0FUW: Bath Build-a-thon January 17, 2009 Roberto XE1GXG: Getting married, took detour to radio row Ben N1VF: An old friend from Vienna Wireless Society Steve "Snort Rosin" Smith: Wants real gong, "Once upon a clip lead..." John VK3AJG's FB SSB rig Steve KG6NRM TAK-40 Pic project SolderSmoke94.mp3 November 2, 2008 Halloween in Rome, Autumn rains Building Class A Amps with Spice, Copper, SSDRA, EMRFD Wes on oscillator output wave forms Inspirational article in "Air and Space" Magazine Book Review: "My Detachment" by Tracy Kidder Autumn SPRAT SPECIAL REPORT FROM G-QRP MINI-CONVENTION Aliens on 80 meters MEPT: Can you see me? Softrock 40 Group tries to digitize N2CQR Homebrew solar panels Request for assistance... MAILBAG: Alan Yates in cahoots with AA1TJ Les gets our logo on I-tunes Paul WA1MAC gets 2 2Bs Scott KD5NJR on KSC honeymoons Bruce VE9QRP on new free QUCS simulator Keith G0CZR on bubble wrap insulation Bob KD4EBM on green laser dangers John VK3AJG designs 80 meter SSB rig Todd KE7KXI on Knack relapse, old electronics smell Jerry NR5A BACK IN ACTION! Bob N7ZF on SolderSmoke Facebook - SolderSmoke93.mp3 October 12, 2008 HB Pi Network Tuna (with mystery) Hamfest report from Belgium Space Hackers removed from YouTube Verdict on Judica Cordiglia brothers FB Italian ham magazines I shift to FSK on 30 meters Gimmick capacitors QRSS QSY woes SolderJoke MAILBOX: Jerry NR5A Back in action Scott KD5NJR on Space Hacker controversy Steve WB6TNL on the different flavors of solder smoke! Paul WA1MAC labled PC boards with SSDRA page numbers Ramakrishnan VU3RDD getting back on the air Jim K9JM had 60 POUNDS of 2N2222 Jim AL7R listening from Yuma Wes W7ZOI on plumbing washer toroids Paul WA5WCP on laser safety Terry G4GHU also went to KSC on honeymoon - SolderSmoke92.mp3 September 28, 2008 The Flea at Trastevere QRSS 2N2222 goes toes up. Why? Da Vinci Code MEPT Frequency Standard Wind Powered QRSS QRSS Whispers reflecting off airplanes Transformer troubles at CERN Arnie's cool Cuban hack Woodpecker update A SolderSmoke charity project Another engineer joke Kanga USA BACK IN BUSINESS! The Joy of Fixing Things Jim Severns - KNACK VICTIM A Homebrew Italian Space Program MAILBAG: G0FUW in Gibraltar VU3RDD in Southern India KB1QVO on laser comms K4BVL likes our audio VK3PB on Italy's "Space Hackers" W0DAB on free online MIT courses DL4MGJ on fixing 2B parallax WB6NTL on transistor failure mode AF6C on crystal ovens G3ZTB likes Shep -- SolderSmoke91.mp3 September 14, 2008 Sardinia! ON5EX's QRSS MEPT leads us back to bike riding Watching Jupiter, listening for Jupiter KF6KYI's I-tunes QRSS Stan, 9H1LO's new grabber Laptop motion detectors as earthquake detectors Nuclear fusion in the shack Filo T. Farnsworth Building a QRSS freq standard SPRAT CD Forget about stocks: SSDRA now selling at $399.89 SolderJokes QST articles on-line! FB! Jim Williams and the joy of fixing things STEREO SPECIAL: Roger Hayward's new binaural DSB project Antenna woes MAILBAG: G0WAT on HOGCON 2008 (21 Sept in Herts.) AJ8T on Russian rovers with laser reflectors KA9OOI on language and low pass audio filtering WB6TNL says NO to rat neurons in QRP gear KB6QR "beknacked" vice "knackered" ????? NR5A has a Drake 2A 7J1AWL on the air from Vietnam KC0PET goes solar OZ1CJX Bad case of Knack, may need professional help K8WPR says Knack keeping him away from wild women, bars AJ8T on CK722 museum AG5RS works Texas balloon from Dubai (via net) KI4SGU POW radio parts N8WQ on schematic drawing program KF4LMZ has QRSS-itis, finds 10.140 rock in CB rig -- SolderSmoke90.mp3 August 17, 2008 August in Rome, Italian beaches, Circeo Hardrock Cafe, My Sharona, The Knack The Planet Mechanics VK6DI on QRSS Listen to me talking to Jean Shepherd (1976) SolderSmoke (sort of) in Australia in 1944 Herman Munster is not an appliance op... Book Review: "The Science of Radio" August QST: KD1JV's rig, pneumatic switching, QRP WAS Conrad's Garage, KDKA, K4HU (SK) Kits and Parts by W8DIZ Working on 80 meter DSB rig Computer fixed, counter still dead MAILBAG: 7J1AWL in Vietnam Jerry, NR5A, gets a Drake 2A KB1DRK recommends Spitfish SM5QU on Apollo Backpack Radios (AM!) AC7ZN reports WB8LZG has aerielitis W8NF on Dorkbot (Knack? or no Knack?) G0FUW to speak at Basingstoke 1 September M0JRQ on the meanings of "knackered" - SolderSmoke89.mp3 August 3, 2008 Positano on the Amalfi Coast QRSS: An Idea for More N. American Activity Argo's bandwidth: .34 Hz The New SolderSmoke Audio Filter Knackered? Translating American to British Kanga USA helps in Lake Michigan rescue Google's "Back to the Moon" contest Russia's Mars sample return mission Apollo 11 Lasers from San Diego to the Moon N0TU's slideshow (with Tuna Tin Two) MAILBAG: K4QO on clubs without rules. G0WAT names me "Hodeghog #4" VE7SL ID's Mystery Military Radio ZL2GX finishing Ph.D. KC0PET gets EMRFD N5XL reports Tantalum shortage G3WOE on Shep and 20 new BITX20s W8OAJ is now N8WQ, building MEPT -- SolderSmoke88.mp3 July 19, 2008 My walk to work in Rome The BEST Jean Shepherd ham radio episode My talk with Jean Shepherd NR5A's beacon 200 Knights QRSS of .3 wpm = 1.3 Hz bandwidth IZ4BFA in stereo CW K1JT - The Knight with the Nobel Prize WSPR Drain cap audio popping filter Help ID a BC-348 Dan's Small Parts to return The British Amateur Television Club: Knack to the Max ADVERTS: N3ZI's Freq Counters, Gadgeteer Books MAILBAG: Home Counties QRP Club, LU1CBL's BA Beacon, I2NDT's Thailand Beacon, KI4UZI listens at Cape Kennedy, KD0BIK's podcast, AF4UI's LC meter, KD4EBM on Coherent CW, ZL3TKA IS NOT CRAZY, 7J1AWL reading "Crystal Fire," M0JFE wants HB phone, VK7AX rebroadcasting SolderSmoke in Tasmania, M0NDE caught The Knack at age 6. - SolderSmoke87.mp3 July 6, 2008 On the beach at Fregene ----------- QRSS Mania: Calibration problems solved First reports received The Fun of Grabbers Checking your signal via Blackberry The Joy of Milliwatting Chirp, Click, Drift in QRSS Temperature sensitivity Bury that Beacon? Why so little US QRSS? More US Grabbers needed AA1TJ/QRSS? ---------- Elser in "History of QRP in US" New Slides, WAC on ClustrMap! MAILBAG: G0FUW reports EI9GQ victin of Knack KC0PET on understanding our circuits ON4FW sends FB pictures KG6TCJ on QRSS calibration W7ZOI on FD and calibration W4NI on measuring harmonics PE1OIT on GPS calibration technique -- SolderSmoke86.mp3 June 22, 2008 Maritime Mobile on Lake Bracciano. Jean Shepherd loses girlfriend due to THE KNACK. 30 Meter transmitter self-constructs (almost). QRSS Woes. Do CW signals have sidebands? Freq Counter down for the count. Dial Parallax: Drake 2B jumps 3 kc from eyeball to eyeball. Radio Shack: Count your blessings! Nice wire from old computers. Good luck on Field Day. MAILBAG: VU3RDD NEW HARMONIC! Frank on analog scopes, PE1OIT on si570 chips, KG4ENB on 179 kc LOWFERS, M0NJP on how XYL's can deal with THE KNACK, K7JM on SolderSnow, W8OAJ SolderSmoke as Knack Therapy, Jonathan 7J1AWL "from a commuter train in Tokyo" - SolderSmoke85.mp3 June 8, 2008 Echo-QSO with WA6ARA! Phoenix lands on Mars. Beacon operations. Adrian Weiss, W0RSP. FB QRP Author. Need correspondent for Flea at MIT. Understanding balanced modulators. Dan's accident (Dan's Small Parts). Hendricks Cap Kit. "Hot Iron" Journal of The Constructor's Club The Woodpecker. MAILBAG (Return of the GONG!): W6DWF KC0PEI on "IP Telepathy" Mark Z on a crank-up Pocket Pixie. Ramakrishnan in Singapore. Niels PE1OIT on Robert E. Pease. Jerry NR5A: Cursed with Beacon Madness. Echolink QSO with Mike, WA6ARA. - SolderSmoke84.mp3 May 25, 2008 SPECIAL FDIM PROGRAM!!!! Flying a glider over Circus Maximus The NEW SOLDERSMOKE BLOG: SolderSlides! SolderLinks! SolderChat! SolderYouTube! Subscribe today! W7ZOI/W7PUA Power Meter Calibration Bifilar toroids in LTSpice. Help! Variations in Type 43 Ferrite Finding friends in old SPRATS Beacon Madness hits I0/N2CQR AA1TJ crosses the pond (really) 80 Meter DSB project (design first, build later!) Bob, W8SX, interviews FDIM speakers! MAILBAG:M0NDE, WB6NTL, ZS1I, NR5A, M0EEJ, ON6CSV 7J1AWL, KC0PET - SolderSmoke83.mp3 May 11, 2008 Shortwave listening from the island of Ischia. Chicago's old "Surplus Row." New antenna yields trans-Atlantic DX! SPRAT's minimalist MPF-102 rig. SDR vs. HDR. Dan's Small Parts. LB Cebik SK. AA1TJ's Zener Diode rigs discussed on Radio Havana Cuba. Beacon project. Design first, build later! SPECIAL REPORT FROM OZARKCON! MAILBAG: Scopes and distortion, Spectrum Analysers, new kits, 30K lemons, FDIM - SolderSmoke82.mp3 April 27, 2008 Tech details of AA1TJ April 1 beacon. Thoreau, computers, and QRP. The Knack and computer "repair." Hardware Defined Radios (HDRs) Farhan's inspirational head scratching. Crude "spectrum analyzers" -- Mike makes Maker Blog. WA5BDU's 60 Meter SSB Project. My matching technique (exorcism completed). 30,000 lemons? MAILBAG: Ideas for Gary KB9ZUV. Steve G0FUW and the dreaded parabolic current. Chris GM4LYN and surface mount. - SolderSmoke81.mp3 April 13, 2008 FORTY MILLION MILES PER WATT!!...??... : April First and the Annual SolderSmoke Iron Pyrite Awards. Heliography: Solar-powered UUUUUUUHF Amplifiers and Exorcism; SWR meters as RF demon-detectors? The latest SPRAT: Lemon batteries. Nails as RF controls! Homebrew Hero: Tim Hulick, W9QQ, SK MAILBAG: Jerry NR5A goes extraterrestrial. Stan 9H1LO puts beacon on 28.224 Mhz. PLEASE LISTEN! Jason KF6PQT flies to Hawaii with SolderSmoke. Dan KF8Z suffers Knack relapse in Benton Harbor, Mich. (Duh!) Gary KB9ZUV is blind, but wants to build. Can we help? - SolderSmoke80.mp3 April 1, 2008 "The New American Amateur." Tech Troubles: Tires, computer, clock, even a bad Dummy Load! AA1TJ: Defintely NOT an Appliance Operator! BANDSWEEP: AA1TJ's Tunnel Diode Beacon Received in Rome! 20 Meter Roman Roundtables. Using my W7ZOI/W7PUA meter. MAILBAG: Greg in Finland converting CB rigs. Stanley 9H1LO in Malta. Mark "MOJ" Johnson finds Jean Shepherd episode on THE KNACK. Matt on MC1496 Balanced Modulator chips. - SolderSmoke79.mp3 March 2, 2008 The beauty of a chirpy signal. Armstrong Solar Panel movement. Babani book campaign? AM on 3705 in Europe. ARRL HB Contest winners. BBC QSYs. BANDSWEEP: G0KYA's SDR 40/80 receiver. My meeting with IK0JNI (DSB rig in a Rome cafe). MAILBAG: Frank VK2AKG on stealth ladder line. Kevin ZL3KE on Q-11's demise. Gil NN4CW on monofilament. Farhan on Pat Hawker. John G8SEQ on Q11. Seth W8FG on QRP-L group build. Wink WA8KOQ on loading up rain gutters. Jim N8ESH spots Loan Ranger (the cowboy, not the rig) in 1939 video. Ramakrishnan VU3RDD moving to Singapore AND LOOKING FOR A COPY OF SSDRA. PART IV of Echo-QSO with Ron Sparks, AG5RS. in Dubai. - SolderSmoke78.mp3 February 22, 2008 "In vain he prayed for percolation..." More HW8 fun. "Hot Water Handbook." Q11? Using my UK HB Power Supply. Tony Fishpool and Graham Firth's Test Gear Book. A WA8MCQ corollary to Murphy's Law. 2-B retube. DSB QSOs from Rome. A visit to the Rome radio club. I0ZY and I0YR: Big Amps and Antennas! The Florence (Firenze) Science Museum. MAILBAG: W7ZOI on G3VA's "Technical Topics." WA7MLH's new videos. Don K6WH on 30 gauge, mono-filament, and listening to SolderSmoke at an African campsite under the Southern Cross. Part III: Echo-QSO with Ron, AG5RS, in Dubai. - SolderSmoke77.mp3 February 14, 2008 Back to QRP and CW! My 30 gauge antenna. What happened to Q-11 in my HW-8? Drake 2-B re-tubing. AA1TJ goes "All Tunnel Diode." Marconi's HUGE cap = 1.7 uF. MAILBAG: John K7JM listens to Rome thunder in snowy Montana. Randy K7AGE makes a HAARP Moonbounce video. Pete W6JFR on Italian craftsmanship. Ramakrishnan VU3RDD notes that Tesla had The Knack. Jorge Luis KI4SGU on turtles and cosmology. ECHO-GUEST: Part II of our QSO with Randy AG5RS in Dubai. - SolderSmoke76.mp3 February 4, 2008 On the air (HF) from Rome. Stealth antenna. Fixing my HW 8. Recording of AA1TJ's Tunnel Diode Beacon. A FB QST. Marconi's capacitor (with a quiz). A Rome thunderstorm in the background. MAILBAG: Aise 3D2AA homebrewing on Fiji. Rogier PA1ZZ's California hassles. Jerry NR5A building tube gear in S. Dakota. Niels PE1OIT in defense of DSB. Ramakrishnan VU3RDD needs articles. ECHO-GUEST: Ron, AG5RS, (a Knack sufferer) homebrews in Dubai, UAE. - SolderSmoke75.mp3 January 27, 2008 "A Nonlinear History of Radio." Fessenden's mic. Clustr Map. BANDSWEEP: Lunar Echoes at 6.7 MHz. Winter SPRAT. HALO Balloon. AO-16 Satellite goes DSB. Calling CQ on Chinese repeaters. MAILBAG: AA1TJ setting up Tunnel Diode beacon. Kevin, M0KHZ builds in an 18th Century Shack. Steve, G0FUW, listens from Ascension Island. Lars, OZ1CX, has THE KNACK. WA7MLH Builds a Superhet on YouTube. Waza, VK2HDH, calls in on Echolink. PART III: Andy, ZS6ADY, on Boatanchors in South Africa. A SPECIAL ENDING: A 1979 song by Mike, KL7R. -- SolderSmoke74.mp3 January 18, 2008 Solar Cycle 24. First transistor QSO. Tunnel Diode Madness. Rovers on Mars. SETI. BSEE in a can: EMRFD+LTSPICE+QRP-L. Understanding mixers. Kipling's Afghan Heliographs. Tech Topics. MAILBAG. Part II of Andy, ZS6ADY, Boatanchors QSO. KL7R SK. -- SolderSmoke73.mp3 January 2, 2008 SPECIAL NEW YEAR'S EDITION AA1TJ's circuitry and poetry. Homemade tubes. Book Review: "Early Radio" by Peter Jensen. The Vatican's antennas. Google Earth flight simulator. Mixer madness continues (now in LTSpice). Mars-asteroid collision? Bollywood: The BITX-20 connection. BANDSWEEP: Straight Key Night at WA6ARA. ECHO-GUEST: Andy, ZS6ADY, South African Boatanchor fan. MAILBAG: Jake N4UY(NOVA QRP), Steve G0FUE (Bath Build-a-thon), Nigel M0NDE -- SolderSmoke72.mp3 December 19, 2007 M0HBR's Bollywood debut. Alien hams. Blackboxophobia. Solar power (in Rome and on Mars). TechShop. South Pole IT. Mixer madness. The Radio Club of America. 200 Meters Index. Peter Dahl. MAILBAG: Al on audio quality, WB2REW on Yogi Berra, W9ILF's tube type mp3 amp, G8SEQ's bad case of "The Knack", N8XMS's "Curiosity Curse." -- SolderSmoke71.mp3 December 9, 2007 Copper clad as blank canvas, Understanding mixers, Bookshelves and the fight against entropy, China listening? Barebones superhet in Rome, Lead -- the new gold, 500kc trans-atlantic QSOs (and some history), 3D model of Altoids tin, Italian space podcast, MAILBAG: Shacks/Sheds: K5TAK on TechShop in Menlo Park, OH2FFY and the Aussie shed movement in Finland. -- SolderSmoke70.mp3 November 26, 2007 Iraq back on the air. Curie engine. Surfer GUT. Fleming's valve. NYC goes AC. Hayward Damm article in QST. Fixing a Heath O'scope. Radio Row. Arecibo in danger. SolderSmoke Google Gadget. Mailbag: From Dhaka to Brussels. IZ0BNW's Rome coffee secrets. -- SolderSmoke69.mp3 November 14, 2007 Drake 2B repair, Frequency Measuring Test, Guy Fawkes, No sunspots, Simple Sideband and straws from McDonald's, CBer stealing volts from NYC subway, Australia's Shed (Shack!)movement, Ham makes major medical breakthrough. MAIL: G4WIF, M0NDE, 2E0BIX, G0BON, K7AGE -- SolderSmoke68.mp3 November 4, 2007 Bill's B'day, First Italian QSO (with clip), The N3ZI Special, Cuban Islander SSB rig, SatNav, Nanotube radio, Fall SPRAT: Pine resin, Messages from Wes and Roger Hayward, MAILBAG: Digital Gong, Comet 17P Holms, Letter from ZL, IZ0BNW/1 -- SolderSmoke67.mp3 October 28, 2007 Dino Dig, train ride, balloon launch. Radio in Rome. Audio efforts. Sputnik. Moore's law. On to Mars! 1939 Video. SSB Islander? ARRL HB Challenge? Search Engine for Parts. MAILBAG: Alan VK2ZAY building antennas, Eric NM5M building converters, Claus OZ1LQB on EU regs and solder, Scott -- listening in Iraq. -- SolderSmoke66.mp3 October 13, 2007 FROM ROME! Getting settled. Summer adventures. New shack. Meeting W7ZOI in San Diego. The speed of dark? Iron Pyrite. Wireless kids. Noise cancelling headphones. MAILBAG: Dennis OX3UR listening from Greenland, Gary VK2KYP, Paolo F5VMJ on on NASA and tin whiskers, Mike WA6ARA listening (with Zen) in the high Sierras. -- SolderSmoke65.mp3 July 1, 2007 Alexanderson Day. Report from Friedrichshafen. Ole Romer, Hippolyte Fizzeau and the speed of light. Zen, toroids, QST, and the joy of homebrewing. BOOM! Ramakrishnan's RFI disappears in a flash! (Again!) BANDSWEEP: Jason, NT7S, lets us listen to 40 CW on Field Day with his homebrew Tualatin rig of FDIM fame. MAILBAG: K8VU tells of Rick Campbell's envious thoughts on the Drake 2-B. VK3HN on Zen and Motorcycle Maintenance, quiet bands in VK. KA9OOI tells us when he got The Knack. MOHBR SIGNS OFF FROM LONDON -- Summer travel plans. On to Rome. -- SolderSmoke64.mp3 June 24, 2007 Feynman uses ham radio. Mr. Wizard: WANTED! P/S project completed. More Wabi Sabi. Field Day memories. DX listeners. Studying Italian on Echolink. Getting ready to go. MAILBAG: K2CK, NN4CW, MM station... -- SolderSmoke63.mp3 June 17, 2007 "Shop Class as Soulcraft." AmateurLogic TV goes to Dayton. My power supply goof-up. Good Causes: SETI and Geek Corps. Mr. Wizard. Bandsweep segment: G0KYA's Rockmite. -- SolderSmoke62.mp3 June 10, 2007 WHY WE BUILD: Opposable thumbs and soldering irons. 'Scopes, bandwidth, and clean sigs. Power Supply project: The Soul of A New Machine. Mississippi Oscillations. My Wabi-Sabi shack. Metal work. NEW FEATURE: CLUB TALK -- a visit to the meeting of the New South Wales Homebrew Group. MAILBAG: Steve, WN0PWK. Dov, AD0V. Seth, W8FG. Dennis, KC0IFQ. -- SolderSmoke61.mp3 June 3, 2007 Farhan's new blog. More AGC. Ramakrishnan's RFI. SolderSmoke returns to 2X QSO mode: Echolink interview with Jim, N5SPE, of AmateurLogic TV: Origins of Amateur Logic TV. "The Knack" hits Mississippi. Kick-plates as radio cabinets. Visit to Dayton. Encounter with the Haywards. Building a W7ZOI power meter. Milton Keynes BITX80 club build. The dangers of molten solder. Getting oscillators to oscillate. -- SolderSmoke60.mp3 May 27, 2007 Tesla, Google, the Elser-Mathes cup, SolderSmoke. AGC (Automatic Gong Control). Free Tech Books. WIKI-ZOI. Noise and the W7ZOI power meter. LA3PNA designing DC receiver with AD831 chip. Kanga Special on EMRFD. New Video: Huge Tesla Coils. MORE DAYTON FDIM INTERVIEWS: Jeff, K8GD, winner of homebrew contest. Eric Swartz, WA6HHQ, of Elecraft TALKS ABOUT THE K3. John, WB8RCR, on micros, Dayton, and seeing old friends. -- SolderSmoke59.mp3 May 20, 2007 Kindred spirits on QRP-L. Fredbox on 2 meter AM. New videos. Hewlett, Packard, Garages and Terman. LV Blake. SPECIAL REPORT FROM DAYTON: INTERVIEWS WITH G0BPS, G3MFJ, G3RJV, K8IQY and W7ZOI! MAILBAG: W9HAU, NC0O, WD5DZG on source for low value resistors. Scott Haley on thermal noise and the ZOI power meter. The need for SolderSmoke correspondents at other summer radio events. -- SolderSmoke58.mp3 May 13, 2007 Ham radio brotherhood: ST2NH, homebrewing in Khartoum. W7ZOI power meter completed and calibrated. Homebrewing good for the soul. Crystal receivers on HF. Basic Stamps on "24." HELP WANTED: SOLDERSMOKE SEEKS DAYTON/FDIM CORRESPONDENT! Book Review: "From Crystal Sets to Sideband" by Frank Harris. MAILBAG: AC7FA, N8ET, M1CNK -- SolderSmoke57.mp3 May 6, 2007 Destined to build a W7ZOI RF power meter. And a current limited P/S. BANDSWEEP: 20 Meter HB DSB QSO with Rolf, SM4FQW. WEB NEWS: FMLA articles posted, SolderSmoke makes Wikipedia. New Videos: Flying motorcycle, Summits-on-the-air. BOOK REVIEW: Feynman fixes radios. MAILBAG: KF4TQJ, KB9JLO, G3XBM (uses xtal receiver on 80 meters), ON4AW -- SolderSmoke56.mp3 April 29, 2007 Stephen Hawking. Hams rebuild Apollo antenna. BANDSWEEP: Listen to Moonbounce. Elser-Mathes Trophy (Don't miss out!). Tesco HTs and the FMLA. My weird power supply. Why no feedback in finals? Major updates to Gadgeteer News and SolderSmoke video pages. MAILBAG: Mayfair Resistor Mystery solved by AA2VK. Parts donated by LA3PNA. KD5NJR on Tim Ferris book. Alan Yates on P/S project. CT1EFL on "AWESOME" soldering. -- SolderSmoke55.mp3 April 22, 2007 Solar minimum. Meteor shower. Plasma deflector shields. Homopolar Motors. How SWR meters work. "The Club Saver" 2 meter rig. Testing air variable caps. Building traps (for animals, not antennas!) The Mystery Resistor of Mayfair. P/S problems. BANDSWEEP: India's HAMSAT over California. M0HBR rejected by Bollywood. MAILBAG: WA6ARA, K4BVL, Scott Haley, W2MY, LA3PNA -- SolderSmoke54.mp3 April 16, 2007 Hamfest report. Interview with Tony Fishpool of G-QRP. Book Review: "Simple Test Gear for the QRPer." Paul Lauterbur, inventor. California balloon launch. Homebrew or Home BREW? Frank Jones and the FMLA. MAILBAG: SSB projects, wearing out copies of SSDRA. -- SolderSmoke53.mp3 April 8, 2007 Happy Easter! Anti-Soldering legislation -- NOTE THE DATE! Mike's article appears in I-QRP. SPRAT 130 review. Salute to Gus Taylor, G8PG. Soldering iron review: Elenco SL5. Workbench report: Balanced Modulator. ECHOLINK ANTICS. Bandsweep: A visit to 30 meters, with a demonstration of the famed "Q multiplier." MAILBAG: LA3PNA, N1VWD, KF6HQC - SolderSmoke52.mp3 April 1, 2007 Excelsior! Jean Shepherd's stories about ham radio. Legislation to ban hobbyist soldering. History of LTSpice. Workbench update. SPECIAL GUEST EDITION OF BANDSWEEP: A satellite pass over M0DHP. MAILBAG: Using an AM radio to interfere with the Chicago White Sox. SolderSmoke in 1930. -- SolderSmoke51.mp3 March 25, 2007 Moj's e-music. AmateurLogicTV#12. PiccoZ Helo. WA7MLH's site. 1.6 Mhz IF as a transmitter trick. Chinese listeners? .rss files fixed. My evolving HB,Class A, feedback amp, CW, .5W transmitter. BANDSWEEP: On 17 meter SSB with EA8EQ. MAILBAG: Pete, W6JFR, describes a realworld troubleshooting problem. Arv, K7HKL, updates on BITX20 kits. Thomas, LA3PNA, describes current projects. -- SolderSmoke50.mp3 March 18, 2007 New homebrew theme music. Born in IGY. Vernal Equinox. Inspirational e-mail on BITX20. BITX20 kit development. BASIC Stamp video. RSS problems. Antipodal map tool. Ferrites in rock tumblers? BANDSWEEP: 20 meters on an HW-8. MAILBAG: Lasers and highway nets. -- SolderSmoke49.mp3 March 11,2007 SPRAT! New Videos, including a rap video about UHF rovers! Fixing an old laptop. Itunes problems. Bookstore. Special "remote" edition of BANDSWEEP. MAILBAG: greggW's BFO solution (at age 8) -- -- SolderSmoke48.mp3 March 4, 2007 Lunar Eclipse. Feedback amps in LTSpice. 17 Meter HB SSB QSO w EA8EQ. Video recommendations. Dilbert's "Knack." New Feature: BANDSWEEP - Hear how the bands sound from London. MAILBAG: W6JFR, M1KTA, gregW (soon to be OH2???), KB0ADD, KK6CB. -- SolderSmoke47.mp3 February 25, 2007. Three cheers for K1RFD. Steve Weber's Tiny SSB rig. BITX20 kit. BITX20 videos. Liquid Oxygen. How to make a bad solder joint in LTSpice. Lasers for gadgeteers and for pets. Camping in the Science Museum. 17 SSB. On 20 with an HW-8. QRSS software. MAILBAG: Ramakrishnan's RFI problems SUDDENLY disappear. Bob Scott. KA4BLS. KF4LMZ. KG6QQR. AI4QQ. VE3SP. G1HDQ. WD5DZG. WA4YHL WV7G. VK2ZAY. VE5AEA. -- SolderSmokeKL7R.mp3 February 4, 2007 About the tragic loss of our friend Mike Caughran, KL7R. - SolderSmoke46.mp3 January 13, 2007. Mike's oscillator work. Michigan Mighty Mite. Lasers, diodes, and Einstein. Laser communication experiment. W7ZOI-KL7R QSO on SKN. M0HBR's feedback amps. The new comet. Saturn, Jupiter and calculation of c. 17 meter QSOs. New SPRAT CD. MAILBAG: China enigma, VE4KEH, M0DAD, GU0SUP, M1CNK, K4AHU, KD4EDM, KG9DK, AA6KI, VA7AT ON5EX - SolderSmoke45.mp3 December 30, 2006. SPECIAL NEW YEAR'S/STRAIGHT KEY NIGHT EDITION. SolderSmoke CW. Crystal Radios With Fool's Gold detectors. Mike's oscillator experiment with use of kitchen temperature sensor. Christmas gifts: r/c planes and helicopters, FM transmitter, Amateur Scientist CD, lab notebooks. MAILBAG: Hello to listeners in China, and mail from G0FUW, VE4KEH, K5LXP, AmateurLogic TV guys, Mike in Panama City. SolderSmoke44.mp3 December 16, 2006. New soldering station. LTSpice-videocasts. More on return loss. Minimalist radio. Crystal radio. Three cheers for: Elecraft, K1EL, QST. Small FM transmitters for MP3s. New PC Sats. Antikitheria Mechanism. Merry Christmas! MAILBAG: M1CNR, AL7RV, WA4YHL, KG4ENB SolderSmoke43.mp3 December 9, 2006 LP filters. Feedback. Return loss calc. Exploring Titan. London tornado. Maxwell's equations. TRS 80. Name-that-Noise. Book: "Gonzo Gizmos." MAILBAG: AK9N, N2NLY, Ramakrishnan. SolderSmoke42.mp3 December 2, 2006. Mike's EMRFD-LTSpice-Workbench amplifier lessons. Fixing hamfest P/S. Rick's transmitter in QST. Name that noise. Superconductivity and r/c plane videos. MAILBAG: G4CWX goes round-the-world with SolderSmoke, and KI4SGU dubs SolderSmoke "The Mythbusters of Ham Radio" - SolderSmoke41.mp3 November 28, 2006. Bill's antenna spotted by Google Earth. Homebrew tubes. Return to 17 meter HB sideband. Michigan kid builds fusion device. New videos. New web sites. LTSpice/YouTube mashup. New: GADGETEERNEWS. MAILBAG: G4CWX, VE4KEH, WB8ICN SolderSmoke40.mp3 November 19, 2006. Rally Report.73 mag from 70's. Mike's HB woes. Saturn returns. Leonids.AmateurLogic TV. MAILBAG: VU3RDD, WA6ARA, M0AYF, NE1OB, Reg Lancaster. SolderSmoke39.mp3 November 12, 2006 Kempton Park Rally (Hamfest). QRSS -- more tolerant than once thought! Class C amps and saturation. Practical Wireless goes DSB. Wireless Range Extender working. Mike's power supply. 73 Magazine. Mailbag: M0AYF, G0FUW, G4KKI, WA7MLH, WJ2V SolderSmoke38.mp3 November 5, 2006 Guy Fawkes Day. Da Vinci's notebooks. r/c plane with gyro camera. LTSpice's thermocouple. Ocean State Electronics. Mike's power supply. QRSS. Bill's struggle with Class C amp design. WA7MLH in SSDRA. Other podcasts. Long Delayed Echoes. WiFi encryption. Mailbag: KG9DK, M0JQZ, KF4LMZ, AA2VK SolderSmoke37.mp3 October 29, 2006 Mike's homebrew manual spectrum analyzer. Bill's Class A, no-feedback amplifier design project. LTSpice, DSB, AM, IMD and SPLATTER. HW-101 clutch repair and oil change. Owning two copies of SSDRA - moral issues? Wireless Range Extenders. Mailbag. SolderSmoke36.mp3 October 22, 2006 Mike's return loss bridge. Learning amp design, LTSpice software in EMRFD, input/output impedance, Harry SM0VPO's site, aurora, making hydrogen, Mike's bookmarks, Book review: iWoz by Steve Wozniak. SolderSmoke35.mp3 October 14, 2006 Misc. projects, crystal radios with galena, homebrew tubes, homebrew CPUs, muffin fan hovercraft, MTP3055V vs. IRF510, EMRFD, learning to design, YouTube videos. SolderSmoke34.mp3 October 7,2006 Interview with Ashhar Farhan, Indian homebrewer and father of the famed BITX-20 transceiver. HB in India EMRFD. W7ZOI influence. Hans Summers. Quadrature rigs. DSB and PSK31. Homebrew test gear. The importance of measurement, Tektronix scope. Homebrew heartaches. Homebrew spirit. Symmetry. SolderSmoke33.mp3 Sept 30, 2006 Care packages. QST Homebrew Challenge rule change. Phasing/Quadrature SSB generation. 2 chip receivers. Smoke management in electronics. SBL2 receiver frontend. Gadgeteer video page. SolderSmoke32.mp3 Sept 16, 2006 HW101 FT101 Hybrid Rigs. BNC and RCA phono connectors. Changing the clutch and oil on an HW101. Third order intercept rules of thumb. Modular circuit boards. Babbage difference engine. Hardware to crack enigma. Bills video of his DSB rig. SolderSmoke31.mp3 Sept 04, 2006 Heathkit VTVM. QRSS. Radio Jove. Jupiter/IO laser. HF interferometer Kootie Key. SM0VPO's website. RF green thumb vs dead chickens. Homebrew Wifi antennas. KL7R's bookmarks and new shack photo. PG1N's website. QEX article on "Why antennas radiate." SolderSmoke30.mp3 August 20, 2006 Completed Motley1 Schematic. Steve Weber's IRF510 amp. 30M QRSS receiver. Wildlife in downtown London. QST-50 challenge. BITX 20/ McGuiver Radio. Reverse sunspot/SolarMin. HelioSeismology. Solar Music. SPRAT SBL1's. Sounds from Jupiter and the JOVE project. The first homebrewers. Video Bang-a-gong. SolderSmoke29.mp3 A PC board box for Bill's FET final Richard Feynman video clip Mike's amazing Octopus oscilloscope aid Another plea for graphics help (SS logo) Overcoming podcast tech difficulties new website. FIRST EVER SolderSmoke EM wave poetry from The Moody Blues SolderSmoke Mailbag: Tony Fishpool and the GQRP club SolderSmoke28.mp3 SPRAT Ceramic Oscillator article Tin whiskers and lead free solder QST's $50 rig design challenge Class C amps: Saturation required? Solder Smoke's LOGO DESIGN challenge FB QSO on 20 DSB with SM4FQW Slow Speed QRP (QRSS) WebShots, YouTube MAILBAG: K8WDE, KA6VKP, WB8ICN, VK2KYP, KK7CC SolderSmoke27.mp3 Computer woes. Bill's visit to the Dominican Republic. Building Xtal oscillator with kid. Book Reviews: "The Art of Electronics" "The Electronics of Radio" Ether and Quantum Mechanincs, Tao of Physics SolderSmoke Mailbag: Nigel in Dover, Mike WA6AWA, Matt KC8COM SolderSmoke26.mp3 Mike's backyard QRP operations Fishing pole antennas - Bill goes vertical D-104 use on internet Live (recorded) Audio from Bill's DSB rig Scott Sled Kites, Kite Aerial Photography Destroying perfectly good ham gear ZL1VK in NZ carries SolderSmoke SolderSmoke25.mp3 Bill puts Astatic D-104 on ECHOLINK Mike's 80 mtr DSB rig becomes transceiver! Mike's two chip EMRFD NE602-LM386 receiver The rewards of homebrewing SolderSmoke24.mp3 This week: Two-Tone Test mp3 file. Review online book "crystal sets to sideband". Doubly rockbound SSB TX. HF Packer SlimGem amps. Push Pull IRF510 Mosfet amps. W1FB 40 db wide band general purpose amp. HF amplifier degeneration. HF+6M diplexer. SolderSmoke23.mp3 Two amateur radio experimentors discuss workbench radio projects. This week: Taming HF amp self-oscillation. Output broadband transformers. DSB transmit on both usb and lsb at the same time. Adjusting LSB ladder filters. The "SSB advantage" vs the "CW advantage". Satellite Oscar 52. Using jet wings as topband and magic band passive reflectors. SolderSmoke22.mp3 Two amateur radio experimenters discuss workbench radio projects. This week: How to get more than a watt out of a 12volt/50ohm amplifier. Wb7aei lowpass filters. Passive and active mixers. The binaural receiver. UK vs US hamfests. SolderSmoke21.mp3 This week: First Light for QRP rigs. Final amplifier voodoo. Quantum mechanical necromancy. Ne612 carrier balance. Transmitter lowpass filters. The sweet sound of DC receivers. Slinky verticals. LC tuners, TiddlyWiki, VMWare and AFUKnoppix. SolderSmoke20.mp3 Two amateur radio experimenters discuss workbench radio projects. This week: 80 meter qrp ssb and dsb transciever circuits. SolderSmoke19.mp3 Two amateur radio experimenters discuss workbench radio projects. This week: Easter edition. Experimenter vs Tinkerer. NTP3055v FET amp. Apr 2006 Bacon Bits. Ham radio software. Soundcard software. IQ receivers with soundcard software. MMANA. 4nec2. Michigan Mitey Mite Transmitter. SolderSmoke18.mp3 Two amateur radio experimenters discuss workbench radio projects. This week: New Bench and Shack wiring. Using a hot screwdriver as a soldering iron. VW solar panels. Class AB Amps. Saturn's watery moon. Mars Recon Rover. The next SolarMax. Heliosismology. Aurora in NY. DX during a solarmax on the Azores. SolderSmoke17.mp3 Two amateur radio experimenters discussing workbench radio projects. This week K1 receiver/receivers in general. The "feel" of programming languages/rigs. NE602 Spice model. Blue sun. Green flash. Receivers made from tooth filling detectors. Ejection seat HF radios. Saturn. Book review: "Technical Topics". Websites of the week:, Cracking Enigma. SETI at home. SolderSmoke16.mp3 Two ham radio operators discuss workbench radio projects. This week: Desitin as heatsink compound and bottom paint. Supermodulation. Mixers / ne602 spice models. Soldersmoke in space. Website review: revver. SolderSmoke15.mp3 This Week: SuitSat. Jupiter's moons. Back yard telescopes. Trip to Pluto. TimeDomain Reflectometer. KX1 high power mod. DC-DC converters. Good Jobs. Movie Review: "The Dish". Book Review: "First Light". SolderSmoke14.mp3 This week: curry toast and tea. Satellite tracking and worried neighbors. Stardust probe. Whale on the Thames river. HCJB. Soundcard Modes. SolderSmoke13.mp3 This issue: Happy New Year 2006, Transisistor RF amp design using Spice and spreadsheets. Multistage amplifier feedback mechanisms. PopCorn QRP. Burning DVDs. MP3 Players. Online and published technical magazines. The value vs price of technical publications. Experimental Methods. The 2006 Handbook. Solid State Design. SolderSmoke12.mp3 This week Dobsonian reflector telescopes. Class A amplifier design spice vs spreadsheet. Christmas. SolderSmoke11.mp3 Two amateur radio experimenters discussing workbench radio projects. This week: PIC Pong. Coax Traps. Solar powered QRP. SolderSmoke10.mp3 This week "Einstein's Heroes" - PCB prototyping - Atmel butterfly - respect for those who do with less. SolderSmoke9.mp3 This week - Mars Rovers - nano wattmeter - xtal radios - QRP news SolderSmoke8.mp3 Discussions between two ham radio operators/experimentors about projects we have currently on our benches. SolderSmoke7.mp3 Discussions between two ham radio operators/experimentors about projects we have currently on our benches. SolderSmoke6.mp3 Ham radio discussions of RF projects that are on our benches. SolderSmoke5.mp3 Binaural Receiver Crystal ladder filters. 17m DSB xcvr SolderSmoke4.mp3 This issue : ladder filters, binaural receiver, test equipment SolderSmoke3.mp3 This issue: "rubbering" ceramic resonators and the "DC to Daylight binaural receiver" SolderSmoke2.mp3 Discussions between two amateur radio experimenters about what is currently on our benches. SolderSmoke1.mp3 Tech talk between two radio amateurs. Bill in London and Mike in Juneau meet on the ECHOLINK VoIP system and discuss their homebrew radio projects. |
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